Essential links

For students

Course folder in Google Drive

If you’re enrolled in History 346/History 381: Women and Gender in the U.S. West, you can access our course folder in Google Drive. Note that you must be logged in to your Boise State account to see that folder.

Inside that folder, you’ll find the following sub-folders:

  1. Core Documents: syllabus, course schedule, book list, glossary
  2. Assigment Instructions: QQC instructions, reading journal instructions
  3. QQCs: Here’s where you can submit your questions, quotes, and comments for each reading—and read other students’ thoughts.
  4. In-class activities: Any collaboratively edited Google Docs, as well as links to other platforms where we may collaborate, will appear in this folder
  5. Readings unavailable elsewhere: In this folder I’ll place any articles or other content you can’t access on the open web or through the Albertsons Library databases.

For the public

With the exception of work that students will submit for publication on this site in late spring 2022, I’m committed to protecting enrolled students’ work and privacy. In addition, much of what we read for this course is protected by copyright, so I can’t reproduce it here. For those reasons, some portions of this course are in the “walled garden” of Google Drive and Canvas, our learning management system.

However, I’m committed to being as open as possible about this course. Anyone can access the following core documents: